제목다양한 조건에 있는 합성바닥구조의 진동설계 과정을 그래픽으로 나타내는 컴퓨터 프로그램 개발2018-10-30 15:39
작성자 Level 1
첨부파일KSSC_4_2018_06_99.pdf (1.06MB)

다양한 조건에 있는 합성바닥구조의 진동설계 과정을 그래픽으로 나타내는 컴퓨터 프로그램 개발

Development of Computer Program that Graphically Display the Overall Design Process of

Composite Floors Vibration under Various Structural Conditions

김 승 원1)*

Kim, Seung Weon

ABSTRACT:Due to the increase in the strength of structural materials and changes in the environment of building 

usage, Bay Floors of buildings are becoming lighter and larger. Furthermore, the diversity of human activities and the increase in the use of precision equipment have made vibration evaluation more important than the past in the 

design of composite floor structures. However, due to the diverse and complex dynamic characteristics of buildings 

and activities of humans, it is not easy for structural engineers to evaluate the vibration of composite floor structures 

using general dynamical theory alone. In addition, existing commercial computer programs are not yet complete for 

practical application. The computer program introduced here is developed to solve the problems.