제목 | 콘크리트충전 원형강관 합성기둥의 2축 P-M상관도에 대한 연구2018-10-30 14:54 |
콘크리트충전 원형강관 합성기둥의 2축 P-M상관도에 대한 연구
A Study on Biaxial P-M Interaction Diagram for CCFT Composite Column
김 승 원1)* Kim, Seung Weon
ABSTRACT: In current steel structural design code of USA and Korea, interaction diagrams for composite beam-column design of doubly symmetric section are based on interaction equation for pure steel column in code and alternative interaction equation for composite column in commentary. However, current code is not reasonable for concrete filled circular tube composite column having symmetric section for all axes. In this paper, P-M interaction diagrams appropriated for CCFT composite column were proposed.